ThesisPub Thesis and Publications
Thesis and Publications service You Can Count On
Invest your time and efforts on academics. Leave the thesis and publications to us. Our writers are all medical professionals – anaesthetists , SPM doctors with subject specialists and superspeciality consultants
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What We do
We at ThesisPub provide Thesis Publications and statistics services

Thesis & Publications Statistics Services
We At ThesisPub understand the burden on the medical student, having clinical rotations and at the same time preparing for the exam, they have little time to spare for anything if at all their thesis work. we intend to ease the burden. When a candidate approaches us for medical thesis writing help, we take two steps further in helping out the student. The diversity of subjects we offer as well as the skillset of our experts allows us to assure you that you are in the right place. When it comes to thesis writing, no one does it better than ThesisPub writing. Our services are as usual professional along with following strict time management. With that being said, we happen to have a competitive edge over our competitors by providing thesis-writing services with as much research as possible, leaving behind no gaps of any shortcomings whatsoever. Following a specific set of principles an a protocol, allows us to provide services like no other.
Thesis & Publication Services
Protocol writing
Sample size calculation
Thesis and dissertations
Manuscript writing
Submission in indexed journals
Proof reading
Checking errors
Plagiarism check
Plagiarism removal
Master chart
Review articles
P value
And it does not end here. We have something even more to offer
Friendly rates
On-time delivery
Authentic research
Specialty medical thesis editors and proposal makers
24/7 candidate whatsapp helpline
Data confidentiality
Email your query or whatsapp 9087747888 now with your protocol, date of submission and parent study.

Rejected Thesis Correction, Poster Paper Publications
Plagiarism check plagiarism removal
We provide customised services too to suit your specific needs
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Transparent pricing & Timely Submissions
We are very punctual with time and transparent with pricing
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Basic Thesis Guidelines To Follow
Title– A good title should be brief, clear, and focus on the central theme of the topic; it
should avoid abbreviations. The Title should effectively summarize the proposed
research and should contain the PICO elements.
Introduction– It should be focused on the research question and should be directly
relevant to the objectives of your study.
Review of Literature – The Review should include a description of the most relevant
and recent studies published on the subject.
Aim and Objectives – The ‘Aim’ refers to what would be broadly achieved by this study
or how this study would address a bigger question / issue.
The ‘Objectives’ of the research stem from the research question formulated and
should at least include participants, intervention, evaluation, design.
Material and Methods– This section should include the following 10 elements: Study
setting (area), Study duration; Study design (descriptive, case-control, cohort,
diagnostic accuracy, experimental (randomized/non-randomized)); Study sample
(inclusion/exclusion criteria, method of selection), Intervention, if any, Data collection,
Outcome measures (primary and secondary), Sample size, Data management and
Statistical analysis, and Ethical issues (Ethical clearance, Informed consent, trial
Results– Results should be organized in readily identifiable sections having correct
analysis of data and presented in appropriate charts, tables, graphs and diagram etc.Discussion–It should start by summarizing the results for primary and secondary
objectives in text form (without giving data). This should be followed by a comparison
of your results on the outcome variables (both primary and secondary) with those of
earlier research studies.
Summary and Conclusion– This should be a précis of the findings of the thesis,
arranged in four paragraphs: (a) background and objectives; (b) methods; (c) results;
and (d) conclusions. The conclusions should strictly pertain to the findings of the thesis
and not outside its domain.
References– Relevant References should be cited in the text of the protocol (in
Intro and ROL Discussion- Only contemporary and relevant literature may be reviewed. Restrict the
introduction to 2 pages, Review of literature to 10-12 pages, and Discussion to
8-10 pages.